
Wentworth Estate

  • Wentworth Facade
  • Garages
  • Extreme Designs Kitchen
  • Extreme Designs Kitchen
  • Kitchen Removed
  • Extreme Designs Pantry
  • Stair Lighting
  • Limestone Fire Surround
  • Fire Surround Removed
  • Kolarz Light
  • Bathroom with TV
  • Artelinea Vanity Unit
  • Bathroom
  • Cloakroom
  • Bathroom
  • Oak Doors
  • Oak Doors
  • Kolarz Naomi Light
  • AV Rack

Project Description

This relatively unassuming (by Wentworth standards) house was purchased as a place to stay near London by it’s new owners.

With a short time to building works commencing, we sprung into action to have the house stripped of kitchens, appliances, bathrooms, AV equipment, furnishings and lighting.

In two weeks, we had stripped this 5 bedroom, 7 bathroom, 5 reception pad and had most of it collected, enabling works to commence on time.

The contents are destined for a new build in Lancashire, a refurb in Surrey and numerous smaller refurbishment projects by home owners keen to purchase high end kit while keeping to more modest budgets than those of the donor house.

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