

WOI can significantly reduce
refurbishment waste, it’s associated
costs and environmental impact

Zero cost sustainability

The problem with sustainability is there’s usually a cost. However, Waste of Intelligence offers a zero cost, sustainable approach to refurbishment waste, reduces waste costs and can even return you some value from that waste.

The construction industry contributes 62% of all waste in the UK (Defra). While we might imagine it sustainable that much of it is recycled, significant resources are consumed to achieve that.

As the state of the environment attests, we have historically been a little cost avoidant! Yet there is also significant cost in waste removal.

Waste of Intelligence’s approach combines reduction in environmental impact and the costs for waste disposal.

We achieve this through remarketing waste to a market with a strong demand for high end used goods. This market is catalysed by a more environmentally conscious generation, desire for premium products out of budget for the majority and reduction in costs around buyers’ own refurbishments.

We also work with interior designers to remarket items that looked good on paper but were subsequently unloved and rejected by the client and builders to provide a cost free soft strip.

Let’s have a chat about your project and see how we can help.